E-Waste Management

We at Edispozaa provide a wide array of services in the E-waste Management Space as an aggregator and a network of various PROs
We have Pan- India Material Service Providers and partnered with multiple small dealers/retailers, Other Vendors to ensure seamless collections of E-waste from the nooks and corners of India

Collection Channels

Our Collection channels include:
Bulk Sourcing: It is the process of procuring e-waste material in bulk or parts directly from the Aggregator(s) of material. These are usually dominated by the informal/unorganized sector. Edispozaa ensures 100% compliant on-boarding of such vendors and encourages formal methods of e-waste management.

Sourcing from Collection Drives: Collection of e-waste material from various collection drives, RWAs, dealer/retailer points and individuals. The material is documented as per E-waste Management Rules, 2016 (or amended thereof) and processed as per CPCB Guidelines for Safe Disposal of E-waste. This covers a smaller percentage of the total e-waste volumes

Service Deliverables

Our service deliverables include:


  • Assisting new businesses, Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners (PIBOs) with EPR Filing processes
  • E-waste target planning and execution in line with regulatory requirements
  • Curating take-back mechanisms for PIBOs and facilitating channelisation of E-waste through our strong network of collection centres
  • Pre-emptive onboarding checks and periodic monitoring to ensure 100% risk identification, mitigation and control
  • End-to-end account management with detailed reports till last-mile tracking
  • And ease-to-access compliance documents from time-seamless-end and as per the expectations of our associated clientele
  • Vendor, Collection Center, and Recycling partner audit services as per regulatory requirements and ISO norms


Infrastructure in place:

  • Dedicated Manpower with monthly training
  • Defined organisation structure for better control
  • Regular collection drives basis monthly assigned targets
  • Incentivisation of resources to foster seamless e-waste collections organically
  • Correct Stacking of E-Waste to avoid leakage.


Key Monitoring techniques:

  • Daily log checks and material inflow tally across all collection centers
  • Random Sampling audits for better control and risk mitigation
  • Monthly videography at the collection center for better upkeep
  • Regular compliance audits, desktop checks
  • Yearly third-party assurance audits for neutral monitoring and feedback

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